de Montréal

Schedule of the SMS. Integrable Systems: from Classical to Quantum

26 July - 6 August 1999


Week I (July 26-30)

lundi le 26 juillet / Monday July 26

mardi le 27 juillet / Tuesday July 27

mercredi le 28 juillet / Wednesday July 28

jeudi le 29 juillet / Thursday July 29

vendredi le 30 juillet / Friday July 30

Week II (Aug. 2-6)

lundi le 2 août / Monday Aug. 2

mardi le 3 août / Tuesday Aug. 3

mercredi 4 août / Wednesday Aug. 4

jeudi le 5 août / Thursday Aug. 5

vendredi 6 août / Friday Aug. 6


All lectures will take place in the Amphitheatre, rm. 1140, ground floor,
Pavillon André Aisenstadt (2950 Chemin de la Tour)

The coffee / tea breaks will be in the Common Room, rm. 6245, sixth floor


Click on title for outline...

lundi le 26 juillet / Monday July 26

Speaker Title
9:00-10:00 Registration and coffee
10:00-10:20 Welcoming address by SMS director
10:20-11:10 S. Ruijsenaars Special functions connected with integrable quantum systems (1)
11:20-12:10 A. Polychronakos Calogero-like systems: physics and mathematics (1)
12:10-14:10 Lunch
14:10-15:00 C. Tracy Random matrix models and integrable systems (1)
15:10-16:00 V. Korepin Determinant representations for quantum correlation functions for exactly solvable models (1)
16:00-16:30 Coffee / tea break
16:30-17:20 J. Harnad Loop groups, R-matrices and separation of variables (1)

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mardi le 27 juillet / Tuesday July 27

Speaker Title
9:00-9:50 J. Harnad Loop groups, R-matrices and separation of variables (2)
9:50-10:20 Coffee / tea break
10:20-11:10 A. Polychronakos Calogero-like systems: physics and mathematics (2)
11:20-12:10 C. Tracy Random matrix models and integrable systems(2)
12:10-14:10 Lunch
14:10-15:00 V. Korepin Determinant representations for quantum correlation functions for exactly solvable models (2)
15:10-16:00 A. Its Riemann-Hilbert approach in exactly sovable quantum field theory and statistical mechanics models (1)
16:00-16:30 Common room closed (for reception)
16:30-17:20 S. Ruijsenaars Special functions connected with integrable quantum systems (2)
17:30-19:30 Opening reception

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mercredi le 28 juillet / Wedesday July 28

Speaker Title
9:00-9:50 S. Ruijsenaars Special functions associated with integrable systems (3)
9:50-10:20 Coffee / tea break
10:20-11:10 A. Polychronakos Calogero-like systems: physics and mathematics (3)
11:20-12:10 W. Miller Completeness of Multiseparable Superintegrability (1)
12:10-14:10 Lunch
14:10-15:00 V. Korepin Determinant representations for quantum correlation functions for exactly solvable models (3)
15:10-16:00 A. Its Riemann-Hilbert approach in exactly sovable quantum field theory and statistical mechanics models (2)
16:00-16:30 Coffee / tea break
16:30-17:20 N. Reshetikhin Quantization of integrable systems (1)

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jeudi le 29 juillet / Thursday July 29

Speaker Title
9:00-9:50 J. Harnad Loop groups, R-matrices and separation of variables (3)
9:50-10:20 Coffee / tea break
10:20-11:10 A. Polychronakos Calogero-like systems: physics and mathematics (4)
11:20-12:10 C. Tracy Random matrix models and integrable systems (3)
12:10-14:10 Lunch
14:10-15:00 N. Reshetikhin Quantization of integrable systems (2)
15:10-16:00 A. Its Riemann-Hilbert approach in exactly sovable quantum field theory and statistical mechanics models (3)
16:30-17:20 * J.-M. Maillet * Correlation functions of the XXZ spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain

* Supplementary seminar

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vendredi le 30 juillet / Friday July 30

Speaker Title
9:00-9:50 W. Miller Completeness of Multiseparable Superintegrability (2)
9:50-10:20 Coffee / tea break
10:20-11:10 A. Polychronakos Calogero-like systems: physics and mathematics (5)
11:20-12:10 C. Tracy Random matrix models and integrable systems (4)
12:10-14:10 Lunch
14:10-15:00 V. Korepin Determinant representations for quantum correlation functions for exactly solvable models (4)
15:10-16:00 A. Its Riemann-Hilbert approach in exactly sovable quantum field theory and statistical mechanics models (4)
16:00-16:30 Coffee / tea break
16:30-17:20 N. Reshetikhin Quantization of integrable systems (3)

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lundi le 2 août / Monday Aug. 2

Speaker Title
9:00-9:50 N. Reshetikhin Quantization of integrable systems (4)
9:50-10:20 Coffee / tea break
10:20-11:10 J. Harnad Loop groups, R-matrices and separation of variables (4)
11:20-12:10 E. Sklyanin Bäcklund transformations, Baxter's Q-operators and separation of variables (1)
12:10-14:10 Lunch
14:10-15:00 J. Hurtubise Hitchin Systems, Spectral Curves and Surfaces (1)
15:10-16:00 T. Miwa Algebraic analysis of solvable lattice models (1)
16:00-16:30 Coffee / tea break
16:00-16:30 * L. Fehér * The Chiral WZNW Phase Space and its Poisson-Lie Groupoid

* Supplementary seminar

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mardi le 3 août / Tuesday Aug. 3

Speaker Title
9:00-9:50 S. Ruijsenaars Special functions associated with integrable systems (4)
9:50-10:20 Coffee / tea break
10:20-11:10 J. Harnad Loop groups, R-matrices and separation of variables (5)
11:20-12:10 E. Sklyanin Bäcklund transformations, Baxter's Q-operators and separation of variables (2)
12:10-14:10 Lunch
14:10-15:00 N. Reshetikhin Quantization of integrable systems (5)
15:10-16:00 T. Miwa Algebraic analysis of solvable lattice models (2)
16:00-16:30 Coffee / tea break
16:30-17:20 * L. Vinet * Integrable Models and Algebraic Combinatorics: Creation Operators for Calogero Type Systems

* Supplementary seminar

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mercredi le 4 août / Wednesday Aug. 4

Speaker Title
9:00-9:50 P. Winternitz Integrable systems, symmetries and Lie algebra contractions (1)
9:50-10:20 Coffee / tea break
10:20-11:10 E. Sklyanin Bäcklund transformations, Baxter's Q-operators and separation of variables (3
11:20-12:10 J. Hurtubise Hitchin Systems, Spectral Curves and Surfaces (2)
12:10-14:10 Lunch
14:10-15:00 T. Miwa Algebraic analysis of solvable lattice models (3)
15:10-16:00 * O. Ragnisco * Classical and quantum integrable systems with Hopf algebra structure
16:00-16:30 Coffee / tea break
16:30-17:20 * D. Korotkin * Isomonodromic deformations and theta-functions in certain gravity models (1)

* Supplementary seminar

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jeudi le 5 août / Thursday Aug. 5

Speaker Title
9:00-9:50 S. Ruijsenaars Special functions associated with integrable systems (5)
9:50-10:20 Coffee / tea break
10:20-11:10 P. Winternitz Integrable systems, symmetries and Lie algebra contractions (2)
11:20-12:10 E. Sklyanin Bäcklund transformations, Baxter's Q-operators and separation of variables (4)
12:10-14:10 Lunch
14:10-15:00 J. Hurtubise Hitchin Systems, Spectral Curves and Surfaces (3)
15:10-16:00 T. Miwa Algebraic analysis of solvablke lattice models (4)
16:00-16:30 Common room closed (for reception)
16:30-17:20 * D. Korotkin * Isomonodromic deformations and theta-functions in certain gravity models (2)
17:30-19:30 Closing reception

* Supplementary seminar

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vendredi le 6 août / Friday Aug. 6

Speaker Title
9:00-9:50 P. Winternitz Integrable systems, symmetries and Lie algebra contractions (3)
9:50-10:20 Coffee / tea break
10:20-11:10 E. Sklyanin Bäcklund transformations, Baxter's Q-operators and separation of variables (5)
11:20-12:10 T. Miwa Algebraic analysis of solvable lattice models (5)
. 1999 SMS session end

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