Title of lectures

Quantization of Integrable Systems


Nicolai RESHETIKHIN, U.C., Berkeley


These lectures begin with an overview of the mathematical principles of quantization with the focus on quantization of integrable systems. Then we introduce special class of integrable systems related to Poisson Lie groups. After the discussion of symplectic leaves in Poisson Lie groups and their geometry, we give several examples of such systems with Toda-type systems as basic examples. Then the discussion moves to quantization of such systems and to the role of representation theory of quantum groups. Roughly speaking, the thermodynamical limit is a limit in which the number of degrees of freedom of a system diverges to infinity. Some questions related to the structure of the space of states of a quantum integrable system and to the structure of the spectrum of commuting integrals in the thermodynamical limit are the focus of the last lecture.

Lecture 1
I will start with an overview of deformation quantization approach to quantum theory. Then quantization of integrable systems will be discussed from this point of view.

Lecture 2
Here I will describe special class of classical integrable systems based on Poisson Lie groups. Toda system and its "nonlinear" version related to Coxeter symplectic leaves in simple Poisson Lie groups will be the basic examples. Such "nonlinear" Toda systems are known as relativistic Toda systems.

Lectures 3 and 4
Here I will focus on how to quantize integrable systems related to Poisson Lie groups using quantum groups and their representations.

Lecture 5
Infinite dimensional integrable systems and their relation to representation theory of quantum affine algebras will be the subject of this lecture.


[1] Fedosov, B.V., The index theorem for deformation quantization, in Boundary Value Problems, Schrodinger Operators, Deformation Quantization, (in Series Advances in Partial Differential Equations, v. 8) Academie Verlag.
[2] Kontsevich, M., Deformation quantization of Poisson manifolds I, preprint, q-alg/9709040.
[2] Reshetikhin, N. and Yakimov, M., Quantization of Lagrangian fibrations, in preparation.
[3] Korogodski, L. and Soibelman, Y., Algebras of Functions on Quantum Groups: Part 1, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 58, published by AMS
[4] Hoffmann, T., Kellendonk, J., Kutz, N., and Reshetikhin, N., Factorization dynamics and Coxeter-Toda systems, in preparation.
[5] Reshetikhin, N., Some algebraic and analytic structures in integrable systems, Lecture Notes in Physics ,vol. 469, Low-Dimensional Models in Statistical Physics and Quantum Field Theory, Proceedings of Schladming School in Physics, 1995.
[6] Reshetikhin, N., Integrable discrete systems, in: Quantum Groups and Their Application in Physics, Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", IOS Press, 1996.

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