Title of seminar

The Chiral WZNW Phase Space and its Poisson-Lie Groupoid


Laszlo FEHER, Univ. Szeged


A fascinating aspect of the Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten model is that in addition to its built-in affine Kac-Moody symmetry it also exhibits certain quantum group properties [1]. There is a consensus that the classical origin of the quantum group lies in the Poisson-Lie symmetries of the chiral WZNW phase space that emerges after splitting the left- and right-moving degrees of freedom [2]. However, in the definition of the chiral symplectic structure there appears, unavoidably, a choice to be made and the resulting Poisson brackets have been previously analysed only in special cases. In this seminar we describe the chiral WZNW Poisson brackets in the general case [3], and show that the Jacobi identity leads to a dynamical generalization of the classical modified Yang-Baxter equation, which is encoded in the structure of corresponding Poisson-Lie groupoids.


[1] C. Gomez, M. Ruiz-Altaba and G. Sierra, Quantum Groups in Two-Dimensional Physics (Cambridge University Press, 1996).
[2] F. Falceto and K. Gawedzki, Lattice Wess-Zumino-Witten model and quantum groups, J. Geom. Phys. 11 (1993) 251 (hep-th/9209076)
[3] J. Balog, L. Feher and L. Palla, The chiral WZNW phase space and its Poisson-Lie groupoid, hep-th/9907050.

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