
[ Français ]

The goal is to gather emerging and leading scientists using algebraic methods in physics. The specific topics are chosen to cover a wide variety of areas in both algebra and mathematical physics. Doing so we hope to stimulate interactions between colleagues sharing similar tools, but working in different areas. The invited speakers cover a wide spectrum of interests, ranging from pure algebra to applications in physics. The event will complement nicely the topics emphasized at the Congress (icmp2018.org). Here is a partial list of topics that we hope to cover.

Spin chains related to algebras
Quantum information
Temperley-Lieb, Hecke algebras and finite fusion
Askey-Wilson algebras
Onsager algebra
Cluster algebras
W algebras
Virasoro algebra and conformal symmetry in higher dimensions
Vertex Algebra & categorical methods
Airy structures
Higher-spin algebras Etc.