

The CRM Applied Mathematics Laboratory is a research network of   mathematicians, engineers, computer scientists, and theoretical chemists, based in Montreal, Quebec. The main purpose of the lab is to promote and foster research in applied mathematics.  

The two core activities of the lab are, on the one hand, CRM Applied Math seminar the  and, on the other, the appointment and training of young talented researchers via graduate and postdoctoral fellowships.    These are complemented by workshops as well as thematic and visitors’ programs.   The lab’s  main research themes and the lab members associated with them are:

  • Partial Differential Equations (Bartello, Choksi, Lessard, Lin, Lorin de la Grandmaison, Nave, Tsogtgerel)
  • Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing (Bartello, Brugiapaglia, Chang, Gerolin, Guignard, Humphries, Lessard, Lorin de la Grandmaison, Nave, Oberman, Owens)
  • Dynamical Systems and Control (Bélair, Bramburger, Caines, Forbes, Humphries, Lessard, Nave, Yousefzadeh) 
  • Optimization and Data Science (Bramburger, Brugiapaglia, Chang, Choksi, Forbes, Gerolin, Hoheisel, Oberman, Paquette, Vetta) 

These themes have strong overlaps, promoting fruitful discussion and collaboration among the different lab members as well as connections with other CRM labs such as CAMBAM, MILA or the probability lab.   In more detail, the Applied Math  Lab members cover a wide  spectrum of classical applied math research, including the theory and numerics of partial differential equations, calculus of variations,  fluid dynamics, dynamical systems, math biology, optimal control, optimization,  convex analysis, and numerical linear algebra,   as well as  contemporary topics such as compressed sensing,  machine learning (including deep learning), optimal transport, high-dimensional approximation, variational analysis,  and rigorous numerics.