
This workshop will be held virtually. For more details please consult the workshop program page.

The Tenth Montreal Problem Solving Workshop is organized jointly by the Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM) and the Institute for Data Valorization (IVADO). The workshop will bring together industrial representatives, university researchers, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows. Participants will work in teams, each of which studying a problem proposed by a company or a public or quasi-public institution. One of the goals of the workshop is to provide companies or institutions with mathematical tools for solving problems. The workshop will also allow researchers and students in the mathematical sciences (including data science, statistics, optimization, financial mathematics, natural language processing, and so on) to consider real-world problems. The organizers view the workshop as an “incubator” of collaborations between companies and university researchers; they expect the work carried out during the workshop to result in medium- and long-term projects, financed through various types of grants.

The Montreal workshop is part of a Canadian tradition, since PIMS (the Canadian mathematics institute based in Western Canada) started organizing such workshops twenty years ago (see In Toronto the Fields Institute is also organizing problem solving workshops (see for instance the site of the workshop organized with the National Research Council). The Canadian workshops have been designed on the model of the “study groups” pioneered by the University of Oxford (see; by now this model has spread all over the world.