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Grandes Conférences du CRM
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[ français ]
Un caméléon mathématique: le théorème du
point fixe de Brouwer

by Jean Mawhin, Université catholique de Louvain

Mawhin Thursday, October 8, 2009 -
7:30 p.m.

Room S1-151
Pavillon Jean-Coutu
Université de Montréal

Photos of the conference

Ce théorème affirme que si l'on transforme de manière continue une boule fermée de l'espace euclidien à n dimensions en elle-même, un point au moins reste invariant. Cet énoncé peut se mettre sous des formes très variées, sources d'applications utiles et surprenantes dans de nombreux domaines des mathématiques et des sciences. L'une d'elles a même valu un Prix Nobel à son auteur.


Jean Mawhin was born in Belgium. He obtained his PH.D. in science (mathematics) from the Université de Liège in 1969. He was professor at Université Catholique de Louvain from 1970 to 2008, and has been professor emeritus at that same institution since 2008. In addition to being an invited professor at several universities, he is the author of approximately 350 articles and 10 books or monographies on differential equations, non linear functional analysis, critical point theory, real analysis and the history of mathematics.

Grandes Conférences du CRM

The CRM's "Grandes conférences" series invites scientists with a gift for communicating the most exciting recent developments in mathematics to a curious general public. From cryptography and quantum computing to chaos in meteorological or financial systems, and brain imaging or revolutions in biotechnology, all of the conferences reveal the power and beauty of cutting-edge mathematical research in a language accessible to all.