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Global change and rising pressure on the environment are having increasingly visible impacts on the sustainability of human activities. For example, heat waves seem to be more and more frequent. It is essential to be able to forecast the likely size and impact of these and other extreme events such as droughts and major windstorms if we are to adapt to them and attempt to mitigate their future effects.
In response to this pressing need, the statistical modeling of complex extreme events has evolved rapidly over the past decade, becoming an area of intense research activity. Major theoretical developments are quickly translated into sophisticated statistical tools with numerous concrete applications.
The purpose of this workshop is to stimulate further interactions between statistical methodologists and environmental scientists, to identify gaps in the current statistical toolkit, to improve existing statistical tools, to identify new challenges and topics for development, and to stimulate new research interactions between statistical, environmental, engineering and other stakeholder communities.
Students and postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to present a poster at the workshop. One poster session has been scheduled, with a short lighting talk, so that trainees can introduce themselves and their work to the entire audience.
Limited student travel grants are available. Apply early.