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ASIDE is a summer school for ECRs (early career researchers) in the field of symmetries and integrability of difference equations preceding the international conference on the same subject: SIDE. The first edition of the school was held just before SIDE 10 (2012, China).

The field of discrete integrable systems is rapidly expanding and new relationships between it and different areas of mathematics are being established. This makes it difficult for novices in the field to properly appreciate all of the ideas presented at SIDE meetings. The purpose of ASIDE is to fast-track this development and equip ECR's with a basic understanding of the fundamental aspects of the field and to prepare them for full participation in the SIDE meetings.

A special feature of this school is that the classes are not only dedicated to ECRs but are also given by them. By ECR's we refer to researchers that are young in their development as mathematicians and could be graduate students, postdoctoral fellows or recent faculty members.

Since the goal of the school is to prepare participants to the SIDE meeting, the subjects treated are along the same lines as those treated in SIDE. Based on the past SIDE meetings, a temporary list of the subjects to be presented is

  • 1- Discrete, continuous and ultradiscrete Painlevé equations.
  • 2- Orthogonal polynomials, special functions and their relation to discrete integrable systems and their elliptic analogs.
  • 3- Integrability criteria for single and multivariable difference equations and differential difference equations.
  • 4- Discrete differential geometry.
  • 5- Discrete integrable systems and isomonodromy transformations. Yang-Baxter maps and quantum discrete integrable systems.
  • 6- Continuous symmetries of discrete equations. Structure preserving discretization of differential equations and numerical methods.
  • 7- Cluster algebras and discrete integrable systems. Dynamics on graphs and combinatorics.
  • 8- Difference Galois theory.
  • 9- Lattices and Symmetries in Physical Applications.

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