The Statistics Laboratory of the Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM), Montréal, will be hosting a workshop on survival analysis on November 4-6, 2005. The main purpose of the workshop is to bring together faculty and graduate students of Québec universities who are actively involved in research on survival analysis and provide them with a platform to communicate their recent findings on the topic, to exchange ideas as well as to learn about new directions of research in this field.

Nonetheless, all researchers and students from anywhere interested in the topic are welcome to attend. Four keynote speakers have been invited and have already confirmed that they will be able to present at the workshop:

Mei-Cheng Wang (Johns Hopkins)
Rebecca Betensky (Harvard)
Richard Cook (Waterloo)
Jerry Lawless (Waterloo)

Although there are no fees for this workshop, we urge you to register to facilitate planning. Thank for your collaboration.