Home » Dmitry Korotkin

Dmitry Korotkin



Dmitry Korotkin


Concordia University



Phone (1)

514-8482424 ext.3245

Areas of research (1)

integrable systems

Area of research (2)

moduli spaces

Area of research (3)

monodromy map; Riemann-Hilbert problems, symplectic aspects, Hitchin systems

Area of research (4)

isomonodromy deformations, tau-functions

Area of research (5)

classical and quantum gravity

Postdoctoral Fellows with dates (current and since last year) (1)

Semeon Artamonov, 01.09.2021-31.08.2022

Postdoctoral Fellows with dates (current and since last year) (2)

Boris Runov, 01.11.2018-30.10.2020

Postdoctoral Fellows with dates (current and since last year) (3)

Fabrizio del Monte, 01.11.2020-30.10.2022

Students with dates (current and since last year) and affiliation (2)

Michael Baker, 01.09.2016 -31.12.2021

Students with dates (current and since last year) and affiliation (3)

Roman Klimov, 01.09.2018 -31.08.2022

Students with dates (current and since last year) and affiliation (4)

Ramtin Sasani, 01.01.2019 -31.12.2023

Students with dates (current and since last year) and affiliation (5)

Luk Rostad, 01.01.2022-

Selected Recent Publications (past 2 years only) (1)

M.Bertola, D.Korotkin. {it Spaces of abelian differentials and Hitchin's spectral covers.} International Mathematics Research Notices (2019), rnz142, https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnz142

Selected Recent Publications (past 2 years only) (2)

D.Korotkin, A.Sauvaget, P.Zograf, Tau functions, Prym-Tyurin classes and loci of degenerate differentials, Mathematische Annalen, (2019) p 1-34, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-019-01836-1

Selected Recent Publications (past 2 years only) (3)

D.Korotkin, Bergman tau function: from Einstein equations and Dubrovin-Frobenius manifolds to geometry of moduli spaces, in "Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry", ed. by R.Donagi and T.Shaska, LMS Lecture Note Series, Cambridge University Press, 2020

Selected Recent Publications (past 2 years only) (4)

M. Bertola, D. Korotkin, Hodge and Prym tau functions, Jenkins-Strebel differentials and combinatorial model of $mathcal M_{g,n}$, Communications in Mathematical Physics volume 378, pages1279–1341 (2020)

Selected Recent Publications (past 2 years only) (5)

M.Bertola, D.Korotkin, {it Extended Goldman symplectic structure in Fock-Goncharov coordinates}, J.Diff.Geom., accepted

Selected Recent Publications (past 2 years only) (6)

M.Bertola, D.Korotkin, {it Tau-functions and monodromy symplectomorphisms}, Commun.Math.Phys, accepted

Selected Recent Publications (past 2 years only) (7)

M.Bertola, D.Korotkin, {it Yang-Yang generating function and Bergman tau-function}, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 206 No. 3, 295-338 (2021)

Selected Recent Publications (past 2 years only) (8)

D.Korotkin, P.Zograf, Tau function and moduli of meromorphic quadratic differentials, arXiv:2108.01419

Selected Recent Publications (past 2 years only) (9)

M.Bertola, D.Korotkin, Spaces of abelian differentials and Hitchin's spectral covers, International Mathematics Research Notices (2019), rnz142

Selected Recent Publications (past 2 years only) (10)

M.Bertola, D.Korotkin, On the tau function of the hypergeometric equation, arXiv:2108.01419

Recent Invited Talks and Lectures (past year only) (1)

"Generating function of monodromy symplectomorphism, isomonodromic tau-function and its WKB expansion", Geneva, 20.04.2022

Recent Invited Talks and Lectures (past year only) (2)

"Isomonodromic deformations, Goldman bracket and Fock-Goncharov coordinates", Winter School-Conference “Analysis, Geometry and Mathematical Physics – 2021”, St.Petersburg, Russia

Recent Visiting Positions, Sabbatical Leaves (past 2 years only)



Recent conferences organized or co-organized (past 2 years only) (1)

School "Moduli Spaces, Combinatorics and Integrable Systems", Euler Mathematical Instutute, 15-26 November, 2021