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CRM-3361Harnad, J., Ortmann, J.Zero-temperature limit of quantum weighted Hurwitz numbers
CRM-3358Duchesne, T., Rémillard, B., Marcotte, O.Septième atelier de résolution de problèmes industriels de Montréal / Seventh Montréal Industrial Problem Solving Workshop
CRM-3362Eynard, B.The geometry of integrable systems. Tau functions and homology of spectral curves. Perturbative definition
CRM-3363Belliard, R., Eynard, B., Ribault, S.The geometry of Casimir W-algebras
CRM-3364Charbonnier, S., Eynard, B., David, F.Large Strebel graphs and (3,2) Liouville CFT
CRM-3367Dib, N., Guesmia, A., Daili, N.On the solution of stochastic generalized Burgers equation
CRM-3365Eynard, B., Belliard, R.Integrability of $\mathcal{W}(\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_d})$-symmetric Toda conformal field theories. I. Quantum geometry
CRM-3366Daili, N.Asymptotic densities in number theory. II. Plane assymptotic density of arithmetic functions
CRM-3360Alexandrov, A., Chapuy, G., Eynard, B., Harnad, J.Fermionic approach to weighted Hurwitz numbers and topological recursion

July 19, 2006