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CRM-3343 / arXiv:1408.6766Guay-Paquet, M., Harnad, J.Generating functions for weighted Hurwitz numbers
CRM-3346Harnad, J.Weighted Hurwitz numbers and hypergeometric $\tau$-functions: an overview
CRM-3341 / arXiv:1407.7800Harnad, J., Orlov, A. Y.Hypergeometric $\tau$-functions, Hurwitz numbers and enumeration of paths
CRM-3345Harnad, J.Multispecies weighted Hurwitz numbers
CRM-3342Nguyen, V. A., Dartois, S., Eynard, B.An analysis of the intermediate field theory of T4 tensor model
CRM-3339Borot, G., Eynard, B.Root systems, spectral curves, and analysis of a $\operatorname{SU}(N)$ Chern–Simons matrix model for Seifert fibered spaces 
CRM-3338Eynard, B., Kimura, T.$\operatorname{U}(N\mid M)$ invariants from ABJM theory
CRM-3335Eynard, B.An overview of the "Topological recursion”
CRM-3337Eynard, B.Another algebraic variational principle for the spectral curve of matrix models
CRM-3334Tempesta, P.A functional approach for dynamical systems over Galois differential algebras: integrability and Picard-Vessiot theory

July 19, 2006