The theme year Analysis in Number Theory consists of two semesters with different foci, both exploring the fruitful interactions between analysis and number theory. The first semester will focus on p-adic analysis and arithmetic geometry, and the second semester on classical analysis and analytic number theory. In both themes, several workshops, schools and focus periods will concentrate on the new and exciting developments of the recent years that have emerged from the interplay between analysis and number theory. Among the leading themes of the year: the emerging theory of p-adic families of modular forms and the p-adic Langlands correspondance in high degrees; the new developments on the classical theory of L-functions (non-vanishing, subconvexity and applications); the recent spectacular advances in additive combinatorics and harmonic analysis, and their applications to number theory. Some of the activities of the theme year will be organized jointly with the program Rational and Integral Points on Higher-Dimensional Varieties held at MSRI in Winter 2006. Description of the workshops and all activities is available by clicking on the corresponding titles in the left frame of this home page.

In addition to the participants of the six workshops and two schools held during the theme year, more than thirty experts of these fields will visit Montreal for periods varying from two weeks to six months.

There will be a strong emphasis on training during the theme year, whose activities include the SMS-NATO Summer School on Equidistribution in Number Theory and the School on Additive Combinatorics, which are both primarily targeted at graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty, as well as two graduate courses, one per semester, which are specifically intended to introduce graduate students to the subjects of the workshops and focus periods of the theme year.

To submit an application for a postdoctoral fellowship in Montreal for 2005-2006, please apply to the CRM-ISM postdoctoral fellowships. Other types of financial support is possible.