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Theme Year 2000-2001

Mathematical Methods in Biology and Medicine


Graphic Design : Seyabec Inc.

Illustrations courtesy of James P. Keener (Utah) and A.V. Pavilov (Utrecht) for the heart,
and Georges Le Gouhaler (Montreal Neurological Institute) for the brain.

The year 2000-2001 at the CRM will be devoted to the rapidly developing field of mathematical methods in biology and medicine. The application of mathematics contributes to the understanding of natural processes both through mathematical models and their analysis, and through the development and application of mathematical methods of inference. The year emphasizes both aspects, with workshops covering various applications of nonlinear dynamics in biology and medicine, as well as genomics, and medical imaging.

Table of Contents

o Aisenstadt Chair Lecture Series

o Summer School

o International Annual Meetings

o Workshops

o Courses and Seminars


o Visitors

o Organizing Committee

August 9, 2001, webmaster@CRM.UMontreal.CA