C e n t r e  d e  r e c h e r c h e s  m a t h é m a t i q u e s

en français

As part of the Theme Year 1999-2000

Quantum Algebras and Integrability

April 2-30, 2000

Quantum affine algebras in lattice models and quantum field theory; vertex operators and form-factors; deformed Kniznick-Zamolodchikov equations and other finite-difference equations; elliptic algebras; deformed Virasoro algebras; exact results for correlation functions; finite temperature; boundary field theory; integrable perturbations of conformal field theories; quantum affine algebras and exact S-matrices.

André LeClair (Cornell) and Nicolai Reshetikhin (Berkeley)

The list of invited speakers includes:
O. Babelon (Jussieu), V. Bazhanov (Canberra), D. Bernard (Saclay), E. Corrigan (Durham), E. D'Hoker (UCLA), P. Dorey (Durham), Vl. Drinfeld (*) (Kharkov), P. Etingof (*) (M.I.T.), V. Fateev (Montpellier), E. Frenkel (Berkeley), I. Frenkel (Yale), G. Felder (Zurich), J. Harnad (Concordia, CRM), A. Its (Indiana), N. Jing (North Carolina), S. Khoroshkin (ITEP, Moscow), V. Korepin (Stony Brook), S. Lukyanov (Rutgers), N. MacKay (Sheffield), P. Mathieu (Laval), B. McCoy (Stony Brook), L. Mezincescu (Miami), T. Miwa (Kyoto), G. Mussardo (Trieste), A. Nakayashiki (Kyushu), R. Nepomechie (Miami), S. Pakuliak (Dubna), N. Reshetikhin (Berkeley), F. Smirnov (Jussieu), Y. Saint-Aubin (Montréal, CRM), L. Takhtajan (*) (Stony Brook), V. Tarasov (*) (St. Petersburg), C. Tracy (UC Davis), A. Varchenko (North Carolina), L. Vinet (Montréal, CRM), R. Weston (Durham), H. Widom (UC Davis), A. Zamolodchikov (*) (Rutgers)
(*) to be confirmed

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