C e n t r e  d e  r e c h e r c h e s  m a t h é m a t i q u e s

en français

As part of the Theme Year 1999-2000

Workshop on Strings, Duality and Geometry

Eric D'Hoker (UCLA),
Duong H. Phong (Columbia),
Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard)

The purpose of this informal workshop is to draw together physicists and mathematicians with a shared interest in modern developments in string theory and geometry. In recent years, fundamental connections and interrelations have been established and exploited between string theory, M-theory and brane solutions, mirror symmetry in Calabi-Yau manifolds, integrable systems, supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and Seiberg-Witten theory, to mention just a few. Many of these subjects will be discussed at this meeting, but ample time will be reserved also for informal discussions.

Invited Speakers : L. Chien-Hao (Harvard), F. Denef (Columbia), M. Faux (Columbia), D.S. Freed (Texas, Austin), D. Freedman (M.I.T.), J.-L. Gervais (ENS, Paris), B. Greene (Columbia), M. Gross (Cornell), R. Jackiw (M.I.T.), B. Julia (ENS, Paris), D. Kabat (I.A.S.), A. Klemm (I.A.S.), I. Krichever (Columbia), B. Lian (Brandeis), A. Libgober (Illinois, Chicago Circle), K. Liu (Stanford), S. Mathur (Ohio State), J. Morgan (Columbia), R. Myers (McGill), S. Naculich (Bowdoin), C. Pioline (École Polytechnique, France), M. Porrati (New York University), L. Rastelli (M.I.T.), W. Ruan (Columbia), H. Schnitzer (Brandeis)

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