C e n t r e  d e  r e c h e r c h e s  m a t h é m a t i q u e s

en français

As part of the Theme Year 1999-2000

Workshop on Aspects of Quantization

September 23-28, 1999

Quantization describes a mathematical procedure which associates a vector space (the "physical Hilbert space") to a symplectic manifold (the "classical phase space"). The workshop will focus on three aspects of quantization: geometric quantization, coherent state quantization and the behaviour of quantization under symplectic reduction (which was the subject of a celebrated conjecture of Guillemin and Sternberg, recently proved under very general hypotheses).

Lisa Jeffrey (Toronto)

The list of invited speakers includes:
S.T. Ali (Concordia), J.-M. Bismut (Orsay), M. Brion (Grenoble), C. Duval (Marseille), V. Guillemin (*) (M.I.T.), M. Gotay (Hawaii), B. Khesin (Toronto), B. Kostant (M.I.T.), K. Landsman (Amsterdam), E. Lerman (UIUC, Illinois), E. Meinrenken (Toronto), J. Sniatycki (Calgary), R. Sjamaar (Cornell), A. Szenes (M.I.T.), A. Uribe (Michigan), M. Vergne (Paris VII), J. Weitsman (UC Santa Cruz), C. Woodward (Rutgers)
(*) to be confirmed

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