Laboratoire de recherche de physique mathématique
Mathematical Physics Seminars


Faculty professors/professeurs permanents

Attachés de recherche / Research Associates

Postdoctoral fellows / Boursiers postdoctoraux

Visiting researchers / Chercheurs invités

Postgraduate students / Étudiants gradués

Faculty professors / professeurs permanents

S. Twareque Ali


Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Concordia University
7141 Sherbrooke St. West
Montreal, Qc H4B 1R6

•Phone: (514)-848-3237
•Areas of research: Wavelets, coherent states, Wigner functions, harmonic analysis
•Graduate students: K. T. Santhar (doctoral), R. Detula (doctoral), Tamara D. Chang (doctoral)
•Postdocs: Lionel A. Hohoueto, Marco Bertola

Selected recent publications:

Marco Bertola

CRM and Research Professor,
Concordia University,
Dept. of Math. and Stat.

•Phone: 343-6111-4723
•Areas of research: Axiomatic quantum field theory, differential geometry, invariant theory for discrete groups.

Selected recent publications:


 Chris J. Cummins


Associate Professsor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Concordia University
Montreal, Qc H3G 1M8
Office: LB 639-3 

Phone: (514) 848-3262 (0ffice), (514) 848-3222 (Secretary) Fax: (514) 848-4511
•Areas of research: Applications of group theory to mathematical physics. Modular functions. Moonshine.
•Recent co-authors: Luc Bégin (University de Moncton), Imin Chen, Terry Gannon (University of Alberta), Luc Lapointe (McGill), Pierre Mathieu (U Laval), Sebastian Pauli.
•Postdoc for next year: Sebastian Pauli (Jan. 02 - June 02), Joergen Rasmussen (CRM-ISM postdoc)

 A. Michel Grundland


• Full Professor
Département de Mathématiques et Informatique
Université du Québec à Trois Rivières
Trois-Rivières, C.P. 500
Québec G9A 5H7

• Professeur Associé
Département de Mathématiques et Statistique
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128 Succ. Centre Ville
Montréal, Qc H3C 3J7

• Professeur Associé au CRM
Membre permanent
Université de Montréal

C.P. 6128 Succ. Centre Ville
Montréal, Qc H3C 3J7


•Phone: (514)-343-6111 poste 1-4741 
•Areas of research: Physiques mathématiques, symétrie des équations différentielles en physiques
•Graduate students: 1) P. Picard (PhD)  Alexandre Hariton (PhD)   2) Sylvain Lavallée (MSc)
•Post doctoral fellows: Piergiulio Tempesta

Selected recent publications

Richard Hall


Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W.,
Montreal Qc H3G 1M8

•Phone: (514) 848-3221 or 848-3250
•Areas of research: Quantum Mechanics [Spectral geometry, spectral inversion, many-body problem, Dirac equation, Salpeter equation]

•Doctoral Student: Qutaibeh Katatbeh

•Selected recent publications: (Complete list of publications at URL

• John Harnad


Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Concordia University
7146 Sherbrooke W.
Montreal, Qc H4B 1R6

Member, Centre de recherches mathématiques
Université de Montréal C.P. 6128,
Succ. centre-ville
Montréal, Qc H3C 3J7

•Email: harnad@CRM.UMONTREAL.CA
•Phone: (514) 343-2491
•URL: http://www.CRM.UMontreal.CA/~harnad
•Areas of research: Mathematical physics (Gauge theory, integrable systems, random matrices), differential geometric methods, group theoretic methods

•Graduate students: Oksana Yermolaeva, Dmitri Scherbin, Nathalie Stievenart
•Post doctoral fellows: Marco Bertola

•Selected recent publications: (see: for a more complete list)

• Jacques Hurtubise


• Véronique Hussin


Professeur titulaire,
Département de mathématiques et de Statistique,
Université de Montréal,
CP6128-Succursale Centre-Ville,
Montréal, Qc H3C 3J7

•Phone: 514-343-7814
•Areas of research: physique mathématique,théorie des groupes et algèbres de Lie, supersymétries
•Selected recent publications: Voir la page web
•Graduate students: Nibaldo Alvarez (Ph.D.), Alexander Hariton (Ph.D.) co-directeur: M. Grundland, Tamara Diaz-Chang (Ph. D., codirecteur S.T. Ali).


• Dmitri Jakobson


Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
McGill University
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
805 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Qc H3A2K6

Phone: (514)398-3828
Fax: (514)398-3899
Areas of research : Quantum Chaos, Spectral Geometry, Harmonic Analysis.

•Selected publications (on eigenfunctions etc):

 Vojkan Jaksic


Associate Professor of Mathematics,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
McGill University
805 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Qc H3A 2K6


• Niky Kamran


Dept. of Math.and Stat.,
McGill University,
805, Sherbrooke W.
Montreal, Qc H3A 2K6

Dimitri Korotkin


Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Math. and Stat.
Concordia University
7141 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, Qc H4B 1R6

•Area of research: Mathematical physics

•Graduate students: Vasilisa Shramchenko, Maxim Samsonov


François Lalonde


Professeur titulaire,
Département de mathématiques et statistique
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville
Montréal, Qc H3C 3J7

•Phone: (514) 343-6707             (jusqu'en mars 2002: (33) 01 69 33 49 62 5)
Site Web: http://www.DMS.UMontreal.CA/Professeurs/lalonde/
•Domaines de recherche: Topologie et géometrie symplectiques, analyse globale sur les variétés,
groupes de transformations de dimension infinie.

•Étudiants aux études avancées: Martin Pinsonnault, Pierre-Paul Delisle, Frederic Rochon.
•Postdocs: Ely Kerman (Ph.D. UC at Santa Cruz), Diego Matessi (Ph.D Warwick), Iosif Polterovich (Ph.D. Weitzmann Institute).

•Publications récentes:


Jean Letourneux


Professeur Honoraire
Departement de Physique
Universite de Montreal
C.P 6128, Succursale Centre-Ville
Montreal, Qc H3C 3J7

•Phone: (514) 343-2117
•Areas of research: Physique mathématique, propriétés de symétrie des systèmes, fonctions spéciales

•Selected recent publications:

Pierre Mathieu


Département de Physique
Université Laval
Québec, Qc G1K 7P4

•Phone: (418) 656-3416        Fax : (418) 656-2040
•Areas of research: Conformal field theory, (supersymmetric) classical and quantum integrable systems, affine Lie algebras
•Graduate students: P. Desrosiers, P. Jacob, S. Bourque, Y. Xudous post-doctoral fellow J. Rasmussen

•Selected recent publications:

All publications since 1991 are available on hep-th (


Jiri Patera


Département de mathématiques et de statistique
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128 succursale Centre-ville
Montréal, Qc H3C 3J7

•Selected recent publications:

See web page for complete list of publications


• Yvan Saint-Aubin


Département de mathématiques et de statistique
Université de Montréal
CP 6128, succ. centre-ville
Montréal, Qc H3C 3J7

• John Toth


Dept. of Mathematics
McGill University
Burnside Hall
805 Sherbrooke St. W.
Montreal, Qc. H3A 2K6


Web Page:


Luc Vinet


Pavel Winternitz


Département de mathématiques et de statistique
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128 succursale Centre-ville
Montréal, Qc H3C 3J7

•Email :
•Phone: 514-343-7271
•URL: http://www.CRM.UMontreal.CA/cgi/qui?wintern
•Areas of research: Mathematical physics, group theoretical methods in physics, nonlinear phenomena, integrable systems, superintegrability
•Graduate students: Simon Gravel (M.SC.), Josée Bérubé (M.Sc), Catherine Cyr-Gagnon (M.Sc.)
•Post doctoral fellows: David Gomez-Ullate, Alexei Penskoi, Piergiulio Tempesta, F. Valiquette,
Alexandre Zhalij.
•Selected recent publications:

Attachés de recherche / Research Associates

Frédéric Lesage (CRM et DMS, UdeM), Tadashi Tokieda (DMA, UdeM et UQAM), A. Atoyan (CRM), Y. Marcoz (CRM)


Postdoctoral Fellows / Boursiers postdoctoraux


• Alexei V. Penskoi


Postdoctoral Fellow
Centre de recherches mathématiques
Université de Montréal
C.P.6128, Succ. Centre-ville
Montréal, Qc H3C 3J7

•Email :
•Phone: (514) 343-6111, ext. 4070
•Areas of research: Integrable systems, Applications of Lie groups in differential equations.

David Gomez-Ullate


CRM-ISM postdoctoral fellow (from September 1, 2002)
Centre de recherches mathématiques
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-Ville
Montréal, Qc H3C 3J7

Jorgen Rasmussen


CRM-ISM postdoctoral fellow (from 1 December 2001)
Centre recherches mathématiques
Universite de Montréal
Case postale 6128, succursale centre-ville
Montreal, Qc H3C 3J7

•Phone: 1-514-343-6111, ext 4733
•Areas of research: Conformal field theory, mathematical physics, string theory

Piergiulio Tempesta


CRM-ISM Postdoctoral fellow
Centre de Recherches Mathematiques
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128 succursale centre-ville
Montreal, Qc H3C 3J7

•Phone: 1-514-343-6111 ext 4735
•Areas of research: Mathematical Physics, Lie group theory and differential equations, nonlinear integrable systems, superintegrability.

Visiting researchers / Chercheurs invités

Bertrand Eynard


Physicien, Service de Physique Théorique de Saclay,
CEA Saclay, 91191
Gif sur Yvette, France
tel: (33) 1 69 08 41 20, fax: (33) 1 69 08 81 20

Chercheur invité
CRM Centre de recherches mathématiques,
Université de Montréal,
Case postale 6128, succursale centre-ville
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7

: (1 514) 343 6111, 4073 fax: (1 514) 343
•Areas of research: Random matrices, random geometries (random discreted surfaces), integrable systems, quantum gravity, universal statistical laws.

•Selected publications:

Decio Levi


Dipartimento di fisica "E. Amaldi",
Universita Roma
Tre Via della Vasca Navale,
84 00146 Roma Italy
Fax: +39065579303


•Phone: +390655177034 tel: (+1) 514 343-6111 - ext. 4741
•Areas of research: Mathematical physics, nonlinear integrable systems, symmetries, physical applications of nonlinear systems

•Selected Recent Publications

Luis Miguel Nieto


Profesor Titular
Departamento de Fisica Teorica
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Valladolid
47005 Valladolid, Spain

Fax: +34 983 42 30 13

•Phone: (514)-343-6111 poste 4728 (Univ. de Montréal)
•Areas of research: Mathematical physics, supersymmetry in quantum mechanics, mathematical methods applied in atomic physics.
•Ph.D. student : Monica Gomez (M.Sc), Jose-Ignacio Martinez (M.Sc.), Maria Ridruejo (M.Sc.)

•Selected Publications:


Aleksander Strasburger


Professor, Institute of Mathematics                 and                 CRM visitor
University of Bialystok,
Akademicka 2,
15-267 Bialystok, Poland

•Email:        strasbur@CRM.UMontreal.CA
•Phone: (514)-343-6111 poste 1-4741
•Areas of research: Harmonic analysis, mathematical physics, theory of special functions.

•Ph.D. student : Ewa Gnatowska (Dept. Mathematical Methods of Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)

•Selected Publications:

Postgraduate Students / Étudiants gradués

Nibaldo Alvarez (Hussin), Louis-Pierre Arguin, Hassan Aurag (Saint-Aubin), Josée Bérubé (Winternitz), S. Bourque (Mathieu), Martin Caberlin, Tamara D. Chang (Hussin, Ali), A. Chevrette (Lalonde), C. Cyr-Gagnon (Winternitz), P. Desrosiers (Mathieu), R. Detula, Ewa Gnatowska, Simon Gravel (Winternitz), Alexander Hariton (Hussin, Grundland), P. Jacob (Mathieu), Qutaibeh Katatbeh (Hall), Deirdre Maher, Olivier Major, Abdol-Reza Mansouri, Yves Marcoz, P. Picard (Grundland), Martin Pinsonnault (Lalonde) , K. T. Frederic Rochon, Maxim Samsonov (Korotkin), Santhar (Ali), Vasilisa Shramchenko (Korotkin), Dmitri Scherbin (Harnad), Nathalie Stievenart (Harnad), Claude Tremblay (Jj. Patera), F. Valiquette (Winternitz), Y. Xudous (Mathieu), Oksana Yermolaeva (Harnad).

Last modified / Mise à jour
July 22 juillet 2003
