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Montreal 2000 Summer School

Nonlinear Dynamics in Biology and Medicine

May 22 - June 2, 2000
Montréal, Québec, Canada

In collaboration with the Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics in Biology and Medicine this school is offering a two-week, intensive course in nonlinear dynamics with a strong emphasis on applications in biology and medicine. The format will consist of morning lectures and afternoon computer laboratory exercices. The Summer School is targeted both toward those interested in applying Nonlinear Dynamics to their own research, and those interested in starting out in research on Nonlinear Dynamics. The Summer School is intended equally for those whose main interest is in Biology, Mathematics, Medicine, or the Physical Sciences.




The School will consist of a combination of integrated lectures and computer laboratories/demonstrations. Participants will work in groups of two per machine.

FIRST WEEK: Introduction to nonlinear dynamics at the level of the text "Understanding Nonlinear Dynamics" by D. Kaplan and L. Glass. Topics covered:

SECOND WEEK: In-depth case studies of modeling. Each day, a biological problem will be analysed by means of modeling, including comparison with experimental data. Subjects are:

Previous Training

Participants can come from either the Biological Sciences (including medicine and psychology), or the Physical and Mathematical Sciences (physics, mathematics, chemistry, engineering), but should have at least one year of calculus. Educational background can range from final-year undergraduates through graduate students, postdoctoral fellows amd professional scientists from both industrial and university settings.

If you are from the biological sciences, the two-week program will provide familiarity with modern concepts in nonlinear dynamics. This will include insight into how one goes about formulating realistic mathematical models of biological phenomena, analysing the behaviour of these models both analytically and numerically, and comparing the model behaviour to experimental data.

If you are from the physical and mathematicla sciences, the School will give you a sampling of the areas of biological research in which mathematical modeling has had an impact in our understanding of underlying biological mechanisms.


Participants can register for one or both weeks. The fees are $ 500 CDN. for one week, or $950 CDN. for both weeks.


Accommodations will be available at the dormitories of the Université de Montréal. The rate is $26.46 per night.

To secure the reservation of their accommodation, interested persons must remit to the CRM, no later than the 1st of May 2000, a non-refundable deposit equal to one day at the indicated rate.


Basic registration information, including name, status, institutional affiliation, mailing address, daytime telephone number, fax number and email address, may be conveyed to the CRM by mail, fax or e-mail (see Our Coordinates at the bottom of this page), or using the on-line registration form.

Financial Support

Some limited financial support is available; graduate students and recent Ph.D.'s (up to five years) are especially encouraged to apply. At the same time, since the available funds are limited, participants are also encouraged to seek support from other sources; for this purpose a letter of invitation can be provided on request.

Requests for financial support must be received at the CRM no later than April 15, 2000. As with registration, an application for financial support may be submitted by mail, fax, email or on-line. In addition to the basic registration information (see above), an application for financial aid must include a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, a paragraph describing how this Summer School will benefit the applicant's research, and, in the case of graduate students and recent Ph.D.'s, a letter of recommendation.

Our Coordinates

Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM)
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succ. centre-ville
Montréal (Québec) CANADA H3C 3J7

E-mail:                 MONTREAL2000@CRM.UMontreal.CA
World Wide Web:         http://www.CRM.UMontreal.CA/MONTREAL2000
Telephone:              (514) 343-2197
Fax:                    (514) 343-2254

28 January 2000, webmaster@CRM.UMontreal.CA