In July of 2004, the Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM) will host several different activities as part of a workshop on stochastic networks. Stochastic networks form a class of mathematical models that are finding increasing applicability as descriptions of communications networks (both wireline and wireless), computer systems, production/processing networks, supply chains, and call centres. With new applications come new model structures and new mathematical questions. The activities associated with this workshop are intended to both provide a state-of-the-art perspective on the mathematical issues related to stochastic networks and to offer participants the opportunity to advance the field through the informal discussions necessary for significant research interactions.

A small amount of financial support is likely to be available to assist a limited number of graduate students or new researchers with local expenses. If you wish to apply for such support, please send an email explaining your research interests and financial circumstances to: George Kesidis for the Economics of Communications Networks Workshop; Peter Glynn for the 2004 Stochastic Networks Conference; and Raj Srinivasan for the Call Centre Workshop.


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The workshop has three main components

(Please note that one must register separately for each of the three following activities. To find out more about each activity [or to register], please visit the individual Web pages for each activity)
2004 Stochastic Networks Conference July 18-23, 2004
Call Centre Workshop July 23-25, 2004
Workshop on Economics of Communication Networks
July 16-17, 2004
The host city, Montréal, is truly an experience: old world charm, French joie de vivre and a modern style all its own. For more information on Montreal and the CRM, please visit:


CRM Home Site
Further information on access to the CRM, accomodations, maps
Montreal Tourist Information -Maps
CRM Home page