Idenity Graphic
Organizing committee
Call for papers
Financial suppport

This workshop is part of the contribution of the National Program on Complex Data Structures (NPCDS) to the theme year on Latent Variable Models in the Social Sciences (LVMSS) of the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) in North Carolina.

The program will begin with a tutorial by Anders Skrondal and Sophia Rabe-Hesketh based on their recent book, "Generalized Latent Variable Modelling", Chapman and Hall/CRC.

There will be presentations by Bengt Muthén and Tihomir Asparouhov on the software Mplus and the associated Complex Surveys Project.

Other sessions will be devoted to invited and contributed talks, and will include reports and discussions of the activity of the complex surveys working group, formed at the opening workshop at SAMSI in September 2004. Talks will be published on the complex surveys working group website:

It is hoped that this workshop will be of special interest to researchers at Statistics Canada Research Data Centres.

Workshop report