-------------------------------------------------------------------- This single plain text file contains the files included with the article "Contour plotting in Java" published in MacTech magazine, vol. 13, no. 9 (September 1997): -- ContourPlotApplet.html -- ContourPlotApplet.java -- ContourPlot.java -- ContourPlotLayout.java -- ParseMatrixException.java -- Alternate Data -------------------------------------------------------------------- File "ContourPlotApplet.html": -------------------------------------------------------------------- Contour Plotting using Java

Contour Plotting using Java

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About this applet...

This applet is a work in progress and may contain bugs. It was developed by David Rand on a Macintosh using Metrowerks CodeWarrior Java. It has undergone preliminary testing on Macintosh and UNIX platforms. If you experience problems with this applet, please inform the author by e-mail at rand@CRM.UMontreal.CA; be sure to specify your platform and browser. Thanks in advance.

The plotting algorithm was taken from a Fortran program by Snyder [1]. The program was first translated into C, then reworked, and finally translated into Java. Flanagan [2] was indispensable for the Java implementation.


  1. W. V. Snyder, "Algorithm 531, Contour plotting [J6]", ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 4, 3 (Sept. 1978), 290-294.

  2. D. Flanagan, Java in a Nutshell, O'Reilly & Associates (1996).

-------------------------------------------------------------------- File "ContourPlotApplet.java": -------------------------------------------------------------------- import java.awt.*; import java.io.*; //---------------------------------------------------------- // "ContourPlotApplet" is the main class, i.e. the applet // which is a container for all the user-interface elements. //---------------------------------------------------------- public class ContourPlotApplet extends java.applet.Applet { // Below, constants, i.e. "final static" data members: final static int NUMBER_COMPONENTS = 6; final static int MIN_X_STEPS = 2, MIN_Y_STEPS = 2, MAX_X_STEPS = 100, MAX_Y_STEPS = 100; final static String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator"); final static String DEFAULT_Z = "{{0.5,1.1,1.5,1,2.0,3,3,2,1,0.1}," + EOL + " {1.0,1.5,3.0,5,6.0,2,1,1.2,1,4}," + EOL + " {0.9,2.0,2.1,3,6.0,7,3,2,1,1.4}," + EOL + " {1.0,1.5,3.0,4,6.0,5,2,1.5,1,2}," + EOL + " {0.8,2.0,3.0,3,4.0,4,3,2.4,2,3}," + EOL + " {0.6,1.1,1.5,1,4.0,3.5,3,2,3,4}," + EOL + " {1.0,1.5,3.0,5,6.0,2,1,1.2,2.7,4}," + EOL + " {0.8,2.0,3.0,3,5.5,6,3,2,1,1.4}," + EOL + " {1.0,1.5,3.0,4,6.0,5,2,1,0.5,0.2}}"; // Below, the six user-interface components: ContourPlot thePlot = new ContourPlot(MIN_X_STEPS, MIN_Y_STEPS); Label zPrompt = new Label("", Label.LEFT); TextArea zField = new TextArea(DEFAULT_Z,30,6); Checkbox interBox = new Checkbox(); Button drawBtn = new Button(); TextArea results = new TextArea(); // Below, class data members read from the tag: static String contourValuesTitle,infoStrX,infoStrY, errParse,errLog,errComp,errEqual, errExpect,errEOF,errBounds; //------------------------------------------------------- // "init" overrides "super.init()" and initializes the // applet by: // 1. getting parameters from the tag; // 2. setting layout to instance of "ContourPlotLayout"; // 3. initializing and adding the six user-interface // components, using the method "add()" which will // also call "ContourPlotLayout.addLayoutComponent()". //------------------------------------------------------- public void init() { infoStrX = getParameter("stringX"); infoStrY = getParameter("stringY"); setLayout(new ContourPlotLayout()); add("thePlot", thePlot); zPrompt.setText(getParameter("stringZ")); add("zPrompt", zPrompt); zField.setBackground(Color.white); add("zField", zField); interBox.setLabel(getParameter("stringBox")); interBox.setState(false); add("interBox", interBox); drawBtn.setLabel(getParameter("stringButton")); drawBtn.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 10)); drawBtn.setBackground(Color.white); add("drawBtn", drawBtn); results.setEditable(false); results.setFont(new Font("Courier", Font.PLAIN, 9)); results.setBackground(Color.white); add("results", results); contourValuesTitle = getParameter("stringResults"); errParse = getParameter("stringErrParse"); errLog = getParameter("stringErrLog1") + EOL + getParameter("stringErrLog2") + EOL + getParameter("stringErrLog3"); errComp = getParameter("stringErrComp"); errEqual = getParameter("stringErrEqual"); errExpect = getParameter("stringErrExpect"); errEOF = getParameter("stringErrEOF"); errBounds = getParameter("stringErrBounds"); } //------------------------------------------------------- // Handle events. The only event not handled by the // superclass is a mouse hit (i.e. "Event.ACTION_EVENT") // in the "Draw" button. //------------------------------------------------------- public boolean handleEvent(Event e) { if ((e != null) && (e.id == Event.ACTION_EVENT) && (e.target == drawBtn)) { DrawTheContourPlot(); return true; } else return super.handleEvent(e); } //------------------------------------------------------- // "DrawTheContourPlot" does what its name says (in // reaction to a hit on the "Draw" button). // The guts of this method are in the "try" block which: // 1. gets the interpolation flag (for contour values); // 2. parses the data, i.e. the matrix of z values; // 3. draws the contour plot by calling the "paint()" // method of the component "thePlot"; // 4. displays the results, i.e. the number of rows and // columns in the grid, an echo of the matrix of z // values, and the list of contour values. // This method catches 2 exceptions, then finally (i.e. // regardless of exceptions) sends a completion message // to the Java console using "System.out.println()". //------------------------------------------------------- public void DrawTheContourPlot() { String s; try { s = zField.getText(); thePlot.logInterpolation = interBox.getState(); thePlot.ParseZedMatrix(s); thePlot.paint(thePlot.getGraphics()); s = thePlot.ReturnZedMatrix() + contourValuesTitle + EOL + thePlot.GetContourValuesString(); results.setText(s); } catch(ParseMatrixException e) { thePlot.repaint(); results.setText(e.getMessage()); } catch(IOException e) { thePlot.repaint(); results.setText(e.getMessage()); } finally { System.out.println("Exiting DrawTheContourPlot"); } } } -------------------------------------------------------------------- File "ContourPlot.java": -------------------------------------------------------------------- import java.awt.*; import java.io.*; //---------------------------------------------------------- // "ContourPlot" is the most important class. It is a // user-interface component which parses the data, draws // the contour plot, and returns a string of results. //---------------------------------------------------------- public class ContourPlot extends Canvas { // Below, constant data members: final static boolean SHOW_NUMBERS = true; final static int BLANK = 32, OPEN_SUITE = (int)'{', CLOSE_SUITE = (int)'}', BETWEEN_ARGS = (int)',', N_CONTOURS = 10, PLOT_MARGIN = 20, WEE_BIT = 3, NUMBER_LENGTH = 3; final static double Z_MAX_MAX = 1.0E+10, Z_MIN_MIN = -Z_MAX_MAX; final static String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator"); // Below, data members which store the grid steps, // the z values, the interpolation flag, the dimensions // of the contour plot and the increments in the grid: int xSteps, ySteps; float z[][]; boolean logInterpolation = false; Dimension d; double deltaX, deltaY; // Below, data members, most of which are adapted from // Fortran variables in Snyder's code: int ncv = N_CONTOURS; int l1[] = new int[4]; int l2[] = new int[4]; int ij[] = new int[2]; int i1[] = new int[2]; int i2[] = new int[2]; int i3[] = new int[6]; int ibkey,icur,jcur,ii,jj,elle,ix,iedge,iflag,ni,ks; int cntrIndex,prevIndex; int idir,nxidir,k; double z1,z2,cval,zMax,zMin; double intersect[] = new double[4]; double xy[] = new double[2]; double prevXY[] = new double[2]; float cv[] = new float[ncv]; boolean jump; //------------------------------------------------------- // A constructor method. //------------------------------------------------------- public ContourPlot(int x, int y) { super(); xSteps = x; ySteps = y; setForeground(Color.black); setBackground(Color.white); } //------------------------------------------------------- int sign(int a, int b) { a = Math.abs(a); if (b < 0) return -a; else return a; } //------------------------------------------------------- // "InvalidData" sets the first two components of the // contour value array to equal values, thus preventing // subsequent drawing of the contour plot. //------------------------------------------------------- void InvalidData() { cv[0] = (float)0.0; cv[1] = (float)0.0; } //------------------------------------------------------- // "GetExtremes" scans the data in "z" in order // to assign values to "zMin" and "zMax". //------------------------------------------------------- void GetExtremes() throws ParseMatrixException { int i,j; double here; zMin = z[0][0]; zMax = zMin; for (i = 0; i < xSteps; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ySteps; j++) { here = z[i][j]; if (zMin > here) zMin = here; if (zMax < here) zMax = here; } } if (zMin == zMax) { InvalidData(); throw new ParseMatrixException( ContourPlotApplet.errParse + EOL + ContourPlotApplet.errEqual); } return; } //------------------------------------------------------- // "AssignContourValues" interpolates between "zMin" and // "zMax", either logarithmically or linearly, in order // to assign contour values to the array "cv". //------------------------------------------------------- void AssignContourValues() throws ParseMatrixException { int i; double delta; if ((logInterpolation) && (zMin <= 0.0)) { InvalidData(); throw new ParseMatrixException(ContourPlotApplet.errLog); } if (logInterpolation) { double temp = Math.log(zMin); delta = (Math.log(zMax)-temp) / ncv; for (i = 0; i < ncv; i++) cv[i] = (float)Math.exp(temp + (i+1)*delta); } else { delta = (zMax-zMin) / ncv; for (i = 0; i < ncv; i++) cv[i] = (float)(zMin + (i+1)*delta); } } //------------------------------------------------------- // "GetContourValuesString" returns a list of the // contour values for display in the results area. //------------------------------------------------------- String GetContourValuesString() { String s = new String(); int i; for (i = 0; i < ncv; i++) s = s + "[" + Integer.toString(i) + "] " + Float.toString(cv[i]) + EOL; return s; } //------------------------------------------------------- // "SetMeasurements" determines the dimensions of // the contour plot and the increments in the grid. //------------------------------------------------------- void SetMeasurements() { d = size(); d.width = d.width - 2*PLOT_MARGIN; d.height = d.height - 2*PLOT_MARGIN; deltaX = d.width / (xSteps - 1.0); deltaY = d.height / (ySteps - 1.0); } //------------------------------------------------------- // "DrawGrid" draws the rectangular grid of gray lines // on top of which the contours will later be drawn. //------------------------------------------------------- void DrawGrid(Graphics g) { int i,j,kx,ky; // Interchange horizontal & vertical g.clearRect(0, 0, d.height+2*PLOT_MARGIN, d.width +2*PLOT_MARGIN); g.setColor(Color.gray); for (i = 0; i < xSteps; i++) { kx = (int)((float)i * deltaX); g.drawLine( PLOT_MARGIN, PLOT_MARGIN+kx, PLOT_MARGIN+d.height, PLOT_MARGIN+kx); } for (j = 0; j < ySteps; j++) { ky = (int)((float)j * deltaY); g.drawLine( PLOT_MARGIN+ky, PLOT_MARGIN, PLOT_MARGIN+ky, PLOT_MARGIN+d.width); } g.setColor(Color.black); } //------------------------------------------------------- // "SetColour" sets the colour of the graphics object, // given the contour index, by interpolating linearly // between "Color.blue" & "Color.red". //------------------------------------------------------- void SetColour(Graphics g) { Color c = new Color( ((ncv-cntrIndex) * Color.blue.getRed() + cntrIndex * Color.red.getRed())/ncv, ((ncv-cntrIndex) * Color.blue.getGreen() + cntrIndex * Color.red.getGreen())/ncv, ((ncv-cntrIndex) * Color.blue.getBlue() + cntrIndex * Color.red.getBlue())/ncv); g.setColor(c); } //------------------------------------------------------- // "DrawKernel" is the guts of drawing and is called // directly or indirectly by "ContourPlotKernel" in order // to draw a segment of a contour or to set the pen // position "prevXY". Its action depends on "iflag": // // iflag == 1 means Continue a contour // iflag == 2 means Start a contour at a boundary // iflag == 3 means Start a contour not at a boundary // iflag == 4 means Finish contour at a boundary // iflag == 5 means Finish closed contour not at boundary // iflag == 6 means Set pen position // // If the constant "SHOW_NUMBERS" is true then when // completing a contour ("iflag" == 4 or 5) the contour // index is drawn adjacent to where the contour ends. //------------------------------------------------------- void DrawKernel(Graphics g) { int prevU,prevV,u,v; if ((iflag == 1) || (iflag == 4) || (iflag == 5)) { if (cntrIndex != prevIndex) { // Must change colour SetColour(g); prevIndex = cntrIndex; } prevU = (int)((prevXY[0] - 1.0) * deltaX); prevV = (int)((prevXY[1] - 1.0) * deltaY); u = (int)((xy[0] - 1.0) * deltaX); v = (int)((xy[1] - 1.0) * deltaY); // Interchange horizontal & vertical g.drawLine(PLOT_MARGIN+prevV,PLOT_MARGIN+prevU, PLOT_MARGIN+v, PLOT_MARGIN+u); if ((SHOW_NUMBERS) && ((iflag==4) || (iflag==5))) { if (u == 0) u = u - WEE_BIT; else if (u == d.width) u = u + PLOT_MARGIN/2; else if (v == 0) v = v - PLOT_MARGIN/2; else if (v == d.height) v = v + WEE_BIT; g.drawString(Integer.toString(cntrIndex), PLOT_MARGIN+v, PLOT_MARGIN+u); } } prevXY[0] = xy[0]; prevXY[1] = xy[1]; } //------------------------------------------------------- // "DetectBoundary" //------------------------------------------------------- void DetectBoundary() { ix = 1; if (ij[1-elle] != 1) { ii = ij[0] - i1[1-elle]; jj = ij[1] - i1[elle]; if (z[ii-1][jj-1] <= Z_MAX_MAX) { ii = ij[0] + i2[elle]; jj = ij[1] + i2[1-elle]; if (z[ii-1][jj-1] < Z_MAX_MAX) ix = 0; } if (ij[1-elle] >= l1[1-elle]) { ix = ix + 2; return; } } ii = ij[0] + i1[1-elle]; jj = ij[1] + i1[elle]; if (z[ii-1][jj-1] > Z_MAX_MAX) { ix = ix + 2; return; } if (z[ij[0]][ij[1]] >= Z_MAX_MAX) ix = ix + 2; } //------------------------------------------------------- // "Routine_label_020" corresponds to a block of code // starting at label 20 in Synder's subroutine "GCONTR". //------------------------------------------------------- boolean Routine_label_020() { l2[0] = ij[0]; l2[1] = ij[1]; l2[2] = -ij[0]; l2[3] = -ij[1]; idir = 0; nxidir = 1; k = 1; ij[0] = Math.abs(ij[0]); ij[1] = Math.abs(ij[1]); if (z[ij[0]-1][ij[1]-1] > Z_MAX_MAX) { elle = idir % 2; ij[elle] = sign(ij[elle],l1[k-1]); return true; } elle = 0; return false; } //------------------------------------------------------- // "Routine_label_050" corresponds to a block of code // starting at label 50 in Synder's subroutine "GCONTR". //------------------------------------------------------- boolean Routine_label_050() { while (true) { if (ij[elle] >= l1[elle]) { if (++elle <= 1) continue; elle = idir % 2; ij[elle] = sign(ij[elle],l1[k-1]); if (Routine_label_150()) return true; continue; } ii = ij[0] + i1[elle]; jj = ij[1] + i1[1-elle]; if (z[ii-1][jj-1] > Z_MAX_MAX) { if (++elle <= 1) continue; elle = idir % 2; ij[elle] = sign(ij[elle],l1[k-1]); if (Routine_label_150()) return true; continue; } break; } jump = false; return false; } //------------------------------------------------------- // "Routine_label_150" corresponds to a block of code // starting at label 150 in Synder's subroutine "GCONTR". //------------------------------------------------------- boolean Routine_label_150() { while (true) { //------------------------------------------------ // Lines from z[ij[0]-1][ij[1]-1] // to z[ij[0] ][ij[1]-1] // and z[ij[0]-1][ij[1]] // are not satisfactory. Continue the spiral. //------------------------------------------------ if (ij[elle] < l1[k-1]) { ij[elle]++; if (ij[elle] > l2[k-1]) { l2[k-1] = ij[elle]; idir = nxidir; nxidir = idir + 1; k = nxidir; if (nxidir > 3) nxidir = 0; } ij[0] = Math.abs(ij[0]); ij[1] = Math.abs(ij[1]); if (z[ij[0]-1][ij[1]-1] > Z_MAX_MAX) { elle = idir % 2; ij[elle] = sign(ij[elle],l1[k-1]); continue; } elle = 0; return false; } if (idir != nxidir) { nxidir++; ij[elle] = l1[k-1]; k = nxidir; elle = 1 - elle; ij[elle] = l2[k-1]; if (nxidir > 3) nxidir = 0; continue; } if (ibkey != 0) return true; ibkey = 1; ij[0] = icur; ij[1] = jcur; if (Routine_label_020()) continue; return false; } } //------------------------------------------------------- // "Routine_label_200" corresponds to a block of code // starting at label 200 in Synder's subroutine "GCONTR". // It has return values 0, 1 or 2. //------------------------------------------------------- short Routine_label_200(Graphics g, boolean workSpace[]) { while (true) { xy[elle] = 1.0*ij[elle] + intersect[iedge-1]; xy[1-elle] = 1.0*ij[1-elle]; workSpace[2*(xSteps*(ySteps*cntrIndex+ij[1]-1) +ij[0]-1) + elle] = true; DrawKernel(g); if (iflag >= 4) { icur = ij[0]; jcur = ij[1]; return 1; } ContinueContour(); if (!workSpace[2*(xSteps*(ySteps*cntrIndex +ij[1]-1)+ij[0]-1)+elle]) return 2; iflag = 5; // 5. Finish a closed contour iedge = ks + 2; if (iedge > 4) iedge = iedge - 4; intersect[iedge-1] = intersect[ks-1]; } } //------------------------------------------------------- // "CrossedByContour" is true iff the current segment in // the grid is crossed by one of the contour values and // has not already been processed for that value. //------------------------------------------------------- boolean CrossedByContour(boolean workSpace[]) { ii = ij[0] + i1[elle]; jj = ij[1] + i1[1-elle]; z1 = z[ij[0]-1][ij[1]-1]; z2 = z[ii-1][jj-1]; for (cntrIndex = 0; cntrIndex < ncv; cntrIndex++) { int i = 2*(xSteps*(ySteps*cntrIndex+ij[1]-1) + ij[0]-1) + elle; if (!workSpace[i]) { float x = cv[cntrIndex]; if ((x>Math.min(z1,z2)) && (x<=Math.max(z1,z2))) { workSpace[i] = true; return true; } } } return false; } //------------------------------------------------------- // "ContinueContour" continues tracing a contour. Edges // are numbered clockwise, the bottom edge being # 1. //------------------------------------------------------- void ContinueContour() { short local_k; ni = 1; if (iedge >= 3) { ij[0] = ij[0] - i3[iedge-1]; ij[1] = ij[1] - i3[iedge+1]; } for (local_k = 1; local_k < 5; local_k++) if (local_k != iedge) { ii = ij[0] + i3[local_k-1]; jj = ij[1] + i3[local_k]; z1 = z[ii-1][jj-1]; ii = ij[0] + i3[local_k]; jj = ij[1] + i3[local_k+1]; z2 = z[ii-1][jj-1]; if ((cval > Math.min(z1,z2) && (cval <= Math.max(z1,z2)))) { if ((local_k == 1) || (local_k == 4)) { double zz = z2; z2 = z1; z1 = zz; } intersect[local_k-1] = (cval - z1)/(z2 - z1); ni++; ks = local_k; } } if (ni != 2) { //------------------------------------------------- // The contour crosses all 4 edges of cell being // examined. Choose lines top-to-left & bottom-to- // right if interpolation point on top edge is // less than interpolation point on bottom edge. // Otherwise, choose the other pair. This method // produces the same results if axes are reversed. // The contour may close at any edge, but must not // cross itself inside any cell. //------------------------------------------------- ks = 5 - iedge; if (intersect[2] >= intersect[0]) { ks = 3 - iedge; if (ks <= 0) ks = ks + 4; } } //---------------------------------------------------- // Determine whether the contour will close or run // into a boundary at edge ks of the current cell. //---------------------------------------------------- elle = ks - 1; iflag = 1; // 1. Continue a contour jump = true; if (ks >= 3) { ij[0] = ij[0] + i3[ks-1]; ij[1] = ij[1] + i3[ks+1]; elle = ks - 3; } } //------------------------------------------------------- // "ContourPlotKernel" is the guts of this class and // corresponds to Synder's subroutine "GCONTR". //------------------------------------------------------- void ContourPlotKernel(Graphics g, boolean workSpace[]) { short val_label_200; l1[0] = xSteps; l1[1] = ySteps; l1[2] = -1;l1[3] = -1; i1[0] = 1; i1[1] = 0; i2[0] = 1; i2[1] = -1; i3[0] = 1; i3[1] = 0; i3[2] = 0; i3[3] = 1; i3[4] = 1; i3[5] = 0; prevXY[0] = 0.0; prevXY[1] = 0.0; xy[0] = 1.0; xy[1] = 1.0; cntrIndex = 0; prevIndex = -1; iflag = 6; DrawKernel(g); icur = Math.max(1, Math.min((int)Math.floor(xy[0]), xSteps)); jcur = Math.max(1, Math.min((int)Math.floor(xy[1]), ySteps)); ibkey = 0; ij[0] = icur; ij[1] = jcur; if (Routine_label_020() && Routine_label_150()) return; if (Routine_label_050()) return; while (true) { DetectBoundary(); if (jump) { if (ix != 0) iflag = 4; // Finish contour at boundary iedge = ks + 2; if (iedge > 4) iedge = iedge - 4; intersect[iedge-1] = intersect[ks-1]; val_label_200 = Routine_label_200(g,workSpace); if (val_label_200 == 1) { if (Routine_label_020() && Routine_label_150()) return; if (Routine_label_050()) return; continue; } if (val_label_200 == 2) continue; return; } if ((ix != 3) && (ix+ibkey != 0) && CrossedByContour(workSpace)) { // // An acceptable line segment has been found. // Follow contour until it hits a // boundary or closes. // iedge = elle + 1; cval = cv[cntrIndex]; if (ix != 1) iedge = iedge + 2; iflag = 2 + ibkey; intersect[iedge-1] = (cval - z1) / (z2 - z1); val_label_200 = Routine_label_200(g,workSpace); if (val_label_200 == 1) { if (Routine_label_020() && Routine_label_150()) return; if (Routine_label_050()) return; continue; } if (val_label_200 == 2) continue; return; } if (++elle > 1) { elle = idir % 2; ij[elle] = sign(ij[elle],l1[k-1]); if (Routine_label_150()) return; } if (Routine_label_050()) return; } } //------------------------------------------------------- // "paint" overrides the superclass' "paint()" method. // This method draws the grid and then the contours, // provided that the first two contour values are not // equal (which would indicate invalid data). // The "workSpace" is used to remember which segments in // the grid have been crossed by which contours. //------------------------------------------------------- public void paint(Graphics g) { int workLength = 2 * xSteps * ySteps * ncv; boolean workSpace[]; // Allocate below if data valid SetMeasurements(); DrawGrid(g); if (cv[0] != cv[1]) { // Valid data workSpace = new boolean[workLength]; ContourPlotKernel(g, workSpace); } } //------------------------------------------------------- // "ParseZedMatrix" parses the matrix of z values // which it expects to find in the string "s". //------------------------------------------------------- public void ParseZedMatrix(String s) throws ParseMatrixException, IOException { StringBufferInputStream i; StreamTokenizer t; i = new StringBufferInputStream(s); t = new StreamTokenizer(i); z = null; // Junk any existing matrix EatCharacter(t,OPEN_SUITE); do ParseRowVector(t); while (t.nextToken() == BETWEEN_ARGS); if (t.ttype != CLOSE_SUITE) { InvalidData(); throw new ParseMatrixException( ContourPlotApplet.errParse + EOL + ContourPlotApplet.errExpect+(char)CLOSE_SUITE); } if (t.nextToken() != t.TT_EOF) { InvalidData(); throw new ParseMatrixException( ContourPlotApplet.errParse + EOL + ContourPlotApplet.errEOF); } MakeMatrixRectangular(); GetExtremes(); if (zMax > Z_MAX_MAX) zMax = Z_MAX_MAX; if (zMin < Z_MIN_MIN) zMin = Z_MIN_MIN; AssignContourValues(); } //------------------------------------------------------- // "ParseRowVector" parses a row of data from the stream. //------------------------------------------------------- public void ParseRowVector(StreamTokenizer t) throws ParseMatrixException, IOException { // Parse a row of float's and // insert them in a new row of z[][] if (z == null) z = new float[1][]; else AddRow(); EatCharacter(t,OPEN_SUITE); do { if (t.nextToken() == t.TT_NUMBER) { int x = z.length - 1; if (z[x] == null) { z[x] = new float[1]; z[x][0] = (float)t.nval; } else AddColumn((float)t.nval); } else { int x = z.length - 1; int y = z[x].length - 1; InvalidData(); throw new ParseMatrixException( ContourPlotApplet.errParse + EOL + ContourPlotApplet.errComp + " [" + Integer.toString(x) + "," + Integer.toString(y) + "]"); } } while (t.nextToken() == BETWEEN_ARGS); if (t.ttype != CLOSE_SUITE) { InvalidData(); throw new ParseMatrixException( ContourPlotApplet.errParse + EOL + ContourPlotApplet.errExpect+(char)CLOSE_SUITE); } } //------------------------------------------------------- // "AddRow" appends a new empty row to the end of "z" //------------------------------------------------------- public void AddRow() throws ParseMatrixException { int leng = z.length; float temp[][]; if (leng >= ContourPlotApplet.MAX_X_STEPS) throw new ParseMatrixException( ContourPlotApplet.errParse + EOL + ContourPlotApplet.errBounds); temp = new float[leng+1][]; System.arraycopy(z, 0, temp, 0, leng); z = temp; } //------------------------------------------------------- // "AddColumn" appends "val" to end of last row in "z" //------------------------------------------------------- public void AddColumn(float val) throws ParseMatrixException { int i = z.length - 1; int leng = z[i].length; float temp[]; if (leng >= ContourPlotApplet.MAX_Y_STEPS) throw new ParseMatrixException( ContourPlotApplet.errParse + EOL + ContourPlotApplet.errBounds); temp = new float[leng+1]; System.arraycopy(z[i], 0, temp, 0, leng); temp[leng] = val; z[i] = temp; } //------------------------------------------------------- // "MakeMatrixRectangular" appends zero(s) to the end of // any row of "z" which is shorter than the longest row. //------------------------------------------------------- public void MakeMatrixRectangular() { int i,y,leng; xSteps = z.length; ySteps = ContourPlotApplet.MIN_Y_STEPS; for (i = 0; i < xSteps; i++) { y = z[i].length; if (ySteps < y) ySteps = y; } for (i = 0; i < xSteps; i++) { leng = z[i].length; if (leng < ySteps) { float temp[] = new float[ySteps]; System.arraycopy(z[i], 0, temp, 0, leng); while (leng < ySteps) temp[leng++] = 0; z[i] = temp; } } } //------------------------------------------------------- // "ReturnZedMatrix" returns a string containing the // values in "z" for display in the results area. //------------------------------------------------------- public String ReturnZedMatrix() { String s,oneValue; int i,j; s = new String( ContourPlotApplet.infoStrX + xSteps + EOL + ContourPlotApplet.infoStrY + ySteps + EOL); for (i = 0; i < xSteps; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ySteps; j++) { oneValue = Double.toString(z[i][j]); while (oneValue.length() < NUMBER_LENGTH) oneValue = " " + oneValue; s = s + oneValue; if (j < ySteps-1) s = s + " "; } s = s + EOL; } return s; } //------------------------------------------------------- // "EatCharacter" skips any BLANK's in the stream and // expects the character "c", throwing an exception if // the next non-BLANK character is not "c". //------------------------------------------------------- public void EatCharacter(StreamTokenizer t, int c) throws ParseMatrixException, IOException { while (t.nextToken() == BLANK) ; if (t.ttype != c) { InvalidData(); throw new ParseMatrixException( ContourPlotApplet.errParse + EOL + ContourPlotApplet.errExpect + (char)c); } } } -------------------------------------------------------------------- File "ContourPlotLayout.java": -------------------------------------------------------------------- import java.awt.*; import java.io.*; //---------------------------------------------------------- // ContourPlotLayout implements the interface LayoutManager // & is used by ContourPlotApplet to lay out its components. //---------------------------------------------------------- public class ContourPlotLayout extends java.lang.Object implements java.awt.LayoutManager { // Below, constant data members: private static final int COUNT = ContourPlotApplet.NUMBER_COMPONENTS; private static final int MARGIN = 5, MIN_PLOT_DIMEN = 300, LEFT_WIDTH = 250, CBOX_WIDTH = 130, BUTTON_H_POS = MARGIN + CBOX_WIDTH + MARGIN, BUTTON_WIDTH = LEFT_WIDTH - CBOX_WIDTH - MARGIN, LINE_HEIGHT = 25, DATA_HEIGHT = 105, MIN_RES_HEIGHT = 50, DATA_V_POS = MARGIN + MARGIN + LINE_HEIGHT, BUTTON_V_POS = DATA_V_POS + MARGIN + DATA_HEIGHT, RESULTS_V_POS = BUTTON_V_POS + MARGIN + LINE_HEIGHT; // Below, data members: the array of components, the // dimensions of the contour plot component and the // height of the results area. Component k[] = new Component[COUNT]; Dimension d = new Dimension(MIN_PLOT_DIMEN, MIN_PLOT_DIMEN); int results_height = MIN_RES_HEIGHT; //------------------------------------------------------- // "addLayoutComponent" is necessary to override the // corresponding abstract method in "LayoutManager". //------------------------------------------------------- public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component c) { if (name.equals("thePlot")) { c.reshape(2*MARGIN+LEFT_WIDTH, MARGIN, d.width, d.height); addComponentNumber(0,c); } else if (name.equals("zPrompt")) { c.reshape(MARGIN, MARGIN, LEFT_WIDTH, LINE_HEIGHT); addComponentNumber(1,c); } else if (name.equals("zField")) { c.reshape(MARGIN, DATA_V_POS, LEFT_WIDTH, DATA_HEIGHT); addComponentNumber(2,c); } else if (name.equals("interBox")) { c.reshape(MARGIN, BUTTON_V_POS, CBOX_WIDTH, LINE_HEIGHT); addComponentNumber(3,c); } else if (name.equals("drawBtn")) { c.reshape(BUTTON_H_POS, BUTTON_V_POS, BUTTON_WIDTH, LINE_HEIGHT); addComponentNumber(4,c); } else if (name.equals("results")) { c.reshape(MARGIN, RESULTS_V_POS, LEFT_WIDTH, results_height); addComponentNumber(5,c); } // throw new SomeKindOfException("Attempt to add an invalid component"); } //------------------------------------------------------- // "GetDimensions" computes the data members "d" and // "results_height" which are the only dimensions in the // layout which are not fixed. //------------------------------------------------------- public void GetDimensions(Container parent) { d = parent.size(); d.width = d.width - LEFT_WIDTH - 3*MARGIN; d.height = d.height - 2*MARGIN; if (d.width < MIN_PLOT_DIMEN) d.width = MIN_PLOT_DIMEN; if (d.height < MIN_PLOT_DIMEN) d.height = MIN_PLOT_DIMEN; if (d.width > d.height) d.width = d.height; else if (d.height > d.width) d.height = d.width; results_height = d.height + MARGIN - RESULTS_V_POS; if (results_height < MIN_RES_HEIGHT) results_height = MIN_RES_HEIGHT; } //------------------------------------------------------- // "addComponentNumber" adds a component given its index // and is a utility routine used by "addLayoutComponent". //------------------------------------------------------- public void addComponentNumber(int i, Component c) { if ((i < 0) || (i >= COUNT)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); } else if (k[i] != null) { // throw new SomeKindOfException( // "Attempt to add a component already added"); } else k[i] = c; } //------------------------------------------------------- // "layoutContainer" is necessary to override the // corresponding abstract method in "LayoutManager". //------------------------------------------------------- public void layoutContainer(Container parent) { GetDimensions(parent); if (k[0] != null) k[0].reshape (2*MARGIN+LEFT_WIDTH,MARGIN,d.width,d.height); if (k[1] != null) k[1].reshape (MARGIN,MARGIN,LEFT_WIDTH,LINE_HEIGHT); if (k[2] != null) k[2].reshape (MARGIN,DATA_V_POS,LEFT_WIDTH,DATA_HEIGHT); if (k[3] !=null) k[3].reshape (MARGIN,BUTTON_V_POS,CBOX_WIDTH,LINE_HEIGHT); if (k[4] != null) k[4].reshape (BUTTON_H_POS,BUTTON_V_POS, BUTTON_WIDTH,LINE_HEIGHT); if (k[5] != null) k[5].reshape (MARGIN,RESULTS_V_POS,LEFT_WIDTH,results_height); } //------------------------------------------------------- // "minimumLayoutSize" is necessary to override the // corresponding abstract method in "LayoutManager". //------------------------------------------------------- public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) { return new Dimension( 3*MARGIN + LEFT_WIDTH + MIN_PLOT_DIMEN, 2*MARGIN + MIN_PLOT_DIMEN); } //------------------------------------------------------- // "preferredLayoutSize" is necessary to override the // corresponding abstract method in "LayoutManager". //------------------------------------------------------- public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) { GetDimensions(parent); return new Dimension(3*MARGIN + d.width + LEFT_WIDTH, 2*MARGIN + d.height); } //------------------------------------------------------- // "removeLayoutComponent" is necessary to override the // corresponding abstract method in "LayoutManager". //------------------------------------------------------- public void removeLayoutComponent(Component c) { for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) if (c == k[i]) k[i] = null; } } -------------------------------------------------------------------- File "ParseMatrixException.java": -------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------- // Class "ParseMatrixException" is used to signal an // error corresponding to invalid data encountered // when parsing the matrix of z values. //---------------------------------------------------------- public class ParseMatrixException extends Exception { public ParseMatrixException(String message) { super(message); } } -------------------------------------------------------------------- File "Alternate Data": -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Same as on of Preusser's examples, but with values rounded to two decimal places {{-0.44, -0.44, -0.44, -0.44, -0.44, -0.45, -0.48, -0.51, -0.52, -0.50, -0.49, -0.51, -0.55, -0.59, -0.60}, {-0.45, -0.48, -0.50, -0.49, -0.47, -0.44, -0.44, -0.44, -0.41, -0.40, -0.43, -0.43, -0.47, -0.55, -0.59}, {-0.52, -0.57, -0.60, -0.59, -0.56, -0.50, -0.44, -0.37, -0.33, -0.46, -0.56, -0.45, -0.36, -0.50, -0.58}, {-0.59, -0.58, -0.53, -0.54, -0.59, -0.58, -0.47, -0.32, -0.33, -0.52, -0.35, -0.55, -0.47, -0.46, -0.57}, {-0.58, -0.40, -0.20, -0.25, -0.47, -0.60, -0.51, -0.32, -0.35, -0.39, 0.23, -0.33, -0.55, -0.44, -0.56}, {-0.52, -0.18, 0.14, 0.06, -0.31, -0.58, -0.54, -0.34, -0.33, -0.46, -0.10, -0.47, -0.53, -0.45, -0.56}, {-0.52, -0.19, 0.12, 0.05, -0.32, -0.58, -0.55, -0.37, -0.28, -0.46, -0.55, -0.57, -0.45, -0.48, -0.58}, {-0.58, -0.41, -0.23, -0.27, -0.49, -0.60, -0.53, -0.40, -0.31, -0.35, -0.43, -0.44, -0.45, -0.54, -0.59}, {-0.59, -0.59, -0.54, -0.55, -0.60, -0.57, -0.49, -0.42, -0.40, -0.41, -0.43, -0.47, -0.53, -0.58, -0.60}, {-0.52, -0.57, -0.59, -0.58, -0.55, -0.50, -0.44, -0.44, -0.48, -0.51, -0.53, -0.56, -0.58, -0.60, -0.60}} // Same as the above, but signs inverted {{ 0.44, 0.44, 0.44, 0.44, 0.44, 0.45, 0.48, 0.51, 0.52, 0.50, 0.49, 0.51, 0.55, 0.59, 0.60}, { 0.45, 0.48, 0.50, 0.49, 0.47, 0.44, 0.44, 0.44, 0.41, 0.40, 0.43, 0.43, 0.47, 0.55, 0.59}, { 0.52, 0.57, 0.60, 0.59, 0.56, 0.50, 0.44, 0.37, 0.33, 0.46, 0.56, 0.45, 0.36, 0.50, 0.58}, { 0.59, 0.58, 0.53, 0.54, 0.59, 0.58, 0.47, 0.32, 0.33, 0.52, 0.35, 0.55, 0.47, 0.46, 0.57}, { 0.58, 0.40, 0.20, 0.25, 0.47, 0.60, 0.51, 0.32, 0.35, 0.39, -0.23, 0.33, 0.55, 0.44, 0.56}, { 0.52, 0.18, -0.14, -0.06, 0.31, 0.58, 0.54, 0.34, 0.33, 0.46, 0.10, 0.47, 0.53, 0.45, 0.56}, { 0.52, 0.19, -0.12, -0.05, 0.32, 0.58, 0.55, 0.37, 0.28, 0.46, 0.55, 0.57, 0.45, 0.48, 0.58}, { 0.58, 0.41, 0.23, 0.27, 0.49, 0.60, 0.53, 0.40, 0.31, 0.35, 0.43, 0.44, 0.45, 0.54, 0.59}, { 0.59, 0.59, 0.54, 0.55, 0.60, 0.57, 0.49, 0.42, 0.40, 0.41, 0.43, 0.47, 0.53, 0.58, 0.60}, { 0.52, 0.57, 0.59, 0.58, 0.55, 0.50, 0.44, 0.44, 0.48, 0.51, 0.53, 0.56, 0.58, 0.60, 0.60}} -------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF SOURCE CODE AND DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------