A Celebration of Raoul Bott's Legacy
in Mathematics
Organizer: Robert Kotiuga (Boston University)

This five day conference focuses on the mathematical legacy of Raoul Bott and the extraordinary impact he had on both topology and interactions between mathematics, physics and technology. This forward-looking event will bring together some of the most prominent mathematicians with close connections to him, in order to discuss the emerging fields of mathematics and applications. Given the talk titles submitted by the confirmed speakers, the following focus topics are emerging:

Operator Algebraic Methods, K-Theory, Supersymmetry and Quantum Field Theory, Morse Theory, String Topology, Pseudoholomorphic Curves, Floer homology, Equivariant Cohomology and Localization, Generalized Cohomology Theories and Physics, Networks; Applications and Modular Forms.

Montreal was chosen as the venue since Bott obtained two degrees in Electrical Engineering at McGill University in the 1940s and an Honorary Doctorate from McGill in 1987. This event is unique in that coherency is attained by having Raoul Bott’s students, coauthors, and their coauthors talk on forward-looking research topics. Because the conference is not focused on a single mathematical topic but on a mathematical legacy, every attempt has been made to have prominent speakers who can appeal to a relatively broad audience. We are fortunate to have recruited influential speakers and panelists from three generations in order to cover six decades of Raoul Bott’s research and collectively identify his enduring mathematical legacy. This will provide a very unique experience for all involved, and dissemination of the forward looking presentations of this conference should prove to be useful to a wide range of researchers.